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25 August 2021, 12:52

Vladimir Putin said that people should not be threatened with dismissal for refusing to get vaccinated

It is necessary to increase the rate of vaccination against coronavirus by polite campaigning, not coercion. This was stated at the congress of the United Russia party by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The head of state noted that only joining the efforts of all citizens could defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. The main weapon is vaccination.
“We can only defeat this dangerous epidemic together. Pressure, after which people can lose their jobs, is unacceptable. We must persistently and respectfully convince people of the need to do this, explain how important it is to get vaccinated to preserve their own life, health, and their loved ones, show that this vaccine really works, and reduces the risks of complications” the President explained.
“The unprecedented challenge of the epidemic has shown not only the strengths but also the problems of the domestic health care,” the head of state stressed. “As you know, a decision has already been made to launch a special program for the medical rehabilitation system development. It should become modern and accessible, effectively help people overcome the consequences of illness and injury,” Vladimir Putin said.
Author:IMPORT Сервисный
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