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1 October 2019, 15:34

Bashkortostan Parliament proposes to establish tax incentives for corporate health care programs

UFA, 1 October 2019. /Bashinform News Agency/ translated by Tatiana Aksyutina/.
The State Assembly of Bashkiria introduced to the State Duma a draft federal law that proposes amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provides incentives to enterprises and organizations that implement corporate health care programs.
“It is proposed to supplement the list of labor costs with expenses for the introduction and implementation of health care programs in the workplace,” Konstantin Tolkachev, the Speaker of the Republican Parliament commented on the legislative initiative. “For employers, it will serve as a financial incentive to take care of the health of their employees, as labor costs reduce taxable profits. Employers implementing such programs will pay fewer taxes”.
Before the submission to the State Duma, the draft law passed a preliminary review by the Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation. At the end of last week, the Council of the State Duma had already managed to consider the document and include it in the work plan of the lower house of the Russian parliament for November. The text of the bill was directed to the President, the Council of the Federation, the Government, the Accounts Chamber, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the parliaments and governments of the regions to prepare comments, suggestions, and comments that would be taken until October 24. Currently, the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes is working on the bill, the press service of the State Assembly RB reports.
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