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10 November 2017, 10:15

Agreement on cooperation between Bashkortostan Republic and Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan was signed

UFA, 10 November 2017. /Bashinform News Agency/. Today in Chelyabinsk, within the framework of the 14th Interregional Cooperation Forum of Russia and Kazakhstan, an agreement was signed between the Government of Bashkortostan and Akimat of the Pavlodar region on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian spheres. The document was signed by the Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov and Akim of the Pavlodar region Bulat Bakauov.
The agreement was signed with the aim of developing bilateral relations and promoting economic cooperation between the regions. In accordance with the agreement, the regions will cooperate in the chemical and petrochemical industry, agriculture, engineering, transport, science, culture, education, youth policy, sports and tourism. It is also proposed to support public associations engaged in the preservation and development of their native language and national culture.
After signing, Rustem Khamitov visited the "Human Capital Development" exhibition, which takes place within the framework of the forum, and also the exhibition "Arkaim World of the Ural-Kazakh Steppes".
"We have recently been with the delegation of Bashkortostan in the Chelyabinsk region. I have visited many factories in the city. I would like to say that today their products are presented here. In particular, the exposition of Transneft is impressive with wonderful devices, mechanisms. All this is produced here, and this is very interesting,” said Rustem Khamitov.
In terms of foreign trade turnover, Kazakhstan ranks fourth among foreign partner countries of Bashkortostan and the first among CIS countries. In 2016, the volume of mutual trade between Bashkortostan and Kazakhstan amounted to more than 375 million dollars. More than 90 percent of this amount ($ 342 million) falls on exports from the republic. Among the main products that Bashkortostan supplies to Kazakhstan are petroleum products and chemical products, herbicides, mineral fertilizers, soda ash and caustic soda, rubber, woodworking products, glass, ferrous metal products, building materials, oilfield equipment, transportation equipment and other products. Our republic imports steel rolled products, raw materials for the production of mineral fertilizers, equipment, flour-and-cereals products.
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