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9 January 2013, 14:29

Bashkir parliamentarians determined aims for the forthcoming spring session

A meeting on law-making activity during the next spring session has taken place in the State Council-Kurultay-RB.
“The spring session of Republican parliament-2013 starts working today and activity of the Presidium, permanent committees and State Council Secretariat will be resumed today in full volume” – the speaker of the Republican parliament Constantine Tolkachev mentioned – “2012 was the year of active perfection of Republican legislation, the Year for happy childhood and family values in Republic of Bashkortostan and the Year of Russian history”.
Taking about tasks for the forthcoming period Constantine Tolkachev has said that the Message of the President RB Rustem Khamitov to State Council RB will become the main guideline.
“The President RB Rustem Khamitov has indicated the key strategic directions of our activity in his Message” – he said – “Our goal is provision of step-by-step development in all spheres of public life, taking the aims of the Year for environmental protection into account”.
Law-making activity in sphere of local self-government and public communities will be very intense. Parliamentarians have to start working on the bills concerning alteration of legal acts about municipal service. The Election Code will be also altered, taking the latest changes in federal legislation into account.
“Alterations of the active laws in sphere of population protection and protection of territories from emergency situations, in sphere of fire and traffic safety and development of small and medium business will be very essential and corresponding bill should contribute to real protection of citizens, investing means in construction of apartment buildings” – Constantine Tolkachev reported.
According to the speaker development of legislation in social sphere is also considered top priority.
“Alterations of the laws about addressed social aid, activity of trusteeship and guardianship bodies, private medical aid and some others will be also the main tasks for the Republican parliament” – Constantine Tolkachev stated.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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