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7 December 2012, 11:39

Volga federal district forms the list of especially significant investment projects

In accordance with the decree of the Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in Volga federal district Michael Babich specialists begin forming the list of especially significant investment projects and thanks to these projects new productions and workplaces will be opened in the district. Regional budgets will be increased too. Volga federal district is the first district in Russia, where such contest is announced.
“We will render assistance to investors in implementation of their projects. It is necessary since we still have too many problems in sphere of investment attractiveness, in particular, we have to perfect our investment legislation and remove administrative barriers. We expect that many investment projects from the sphere of aviation engineering will enter the district contest commission” – the deputy Plenipotentiary, investment officer of Volga federal district Galina Izotova explained.
The contest of especially significant investment projects started on December 1, 2012. The staff of the contest commission is also approved. It includes representatives of federal ministries and agencies, bankers and experts. Galina Izotova is appointed the chief of the commission.
“During the first quarter of 2013 we will choose the projects. Further we will take these projects as the basis for implementation of the Development Strategy in Volga federal district and will definitely appeal to the Russian Government with the proposal to revise the Development Strategy of the district. Today we can see that some clauses of the Strategy need certain correction. New challenges pose new problems” – Galina Izotova mentioned.
Applications for participation in the contest will be accepted during December 2012.
The list of especially significant investment projects will be formed in accordance with the contest’s totals and on the base of proposals of the district’s regions. Before sending the applications the regional authorities have to choose their investment projects first. The list will include the projects, positively affecting development of economics and social sphere in one or several regions with the volumes of investments, amounting to 500 million rubles. Investment projects, found at high stage of implementation, will be received too. Only the projects, developed within the frames of state-private partnership and concession, can be included into the list.
The documents of the contest are published on the official site of investment officer in Volga federal district.
Author:Marina Schumilova
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