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29 November 2012, 11:40

Rustem Khamitov is speaking to deputies of State Council RB with annual Message

At present moment the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov is speaking to the deputies of the Republican parliament with the annual Message. This document indicates the key directions of the Republic for the nearest and distant future.
In the previous message “Working for People”, introduced on November 30, 2011, Rustem Khamitov called the necessity of correspondence of economic potential of the region to the interests of its citizens the main aim.
“The aim of the nearest future is to make the wealth and economic potential of the Republic working in interests of ordinary citizens” – Rustem Khamitov stated that time.
The President RB started the present Message with such words:
“A year passed since I introduced my previous Message to the State Council-Kurultay-RB. Now I am going to indicate the priorities of further work. The last year has become an exam on political maturity for all of us. Elections of different levels have taken place. The Republic has successfully passed that stage. The last elections demonstrate the positions, aimed at continuation of the course of stability and conflict-free movement. Prosperity and worthy life of people is our next goal”.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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