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23 November 2012, 15:20

Constantine Tolkachev has taken part in seminar for heads of regional parliaments

The chairman of the State Council-Kurultay-RB Constantine Tolkachev has taken part in a seminar for the heads of Russian regions’ legislative bodies. In the course of several days the participants of the seminar were discussing problems of modern economic, financial and regional policy, prospects in prevention of corruption and the most actual international problems.
“During four days I was studying at the Moscow State University” – the speaker told – “We had very intensive lessons with participation of leading scientists in sphere of jurisprudence and politics and state activists. Many problematic questions were offered for discussion. In opinion of scientists Russia fails to compete with foreign partners. We lose labor productivity and it is evident that we face hard work ahead on minimization of these negative aspects”.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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