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16 November 2012, 14:08

Constantine Tolkachev: “Bloggers should become the conductors of national ideas to their executors”

The chairman of the State Council-Kurultay-RB Constantine Tolkachev has held a meeting with the bloggers, gaining definite authority in Bashkir blog sphere – representatives of republican Live Journal community and other blogger communities, in Ufa. This is already the second meeting between the speaker and representatives of internet community (the first one has taken place in February). Constantine Tolkachev writes his own blog in Live Journal and is an active internet user. Not long ago the chairman of the Bashkir parliament answered readers’ questions online on the site of “The Public Electronic Newspaper”.
In the course of the meeting with the speaker the bloggers raised several actual problems concerning social support of mothers, participants of war and toilers of home front, reforms in education sphere, law-making activity and prophylactics of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking. The role and participation of the bloggers themselves in everyday life of the Republic were under discussion too.
“We have just few mechanisms, which we can use for observation of republican laws. Legal consciousness of citizens is one of such mechanisms but one of the main conditions here is corresponding information about our laws and blog sphere as well as internet in a whole can play quite important role here, but I think that today we fail to use resources of bloggers for solution of this problem in full measure” – Constantine Tolkachev mentioned.
“We’d like to see our bloggers as the conductors of rational national ideas to their concrete executors” – he added. In his opinion the meetings with bloggers can raise the interest of population in activity of the State Council RB.
At the end of the meeting the speaker promised support for socially significant internet resources from the side of law-makers and expressed hope that such meetings with bloggers would become traditional.
Author:Arina Rakhimkulova
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