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8 November 2012, 15:42

Monthly child benefits for unmarried mothers expected to be increased in Bashkortostan

The ombudsman for children rights in RB Milana Skorobogatova suggested the deputies of the State Council-Kurultay-RB that the amendments should be introduced to the active federal and republican legislation in sphere of children rights protection. This problem was raised during the last meeting of the profiled committee.
Milana Skorobogatova suggests that the law RB “Organization of activity of the bodies of trusteeship and guardianship in Republic of Bashkortostan” should be altered According to the law the staff of specialists for protection of children rights and specialists of the bodies of trusteeship and guardianship in respect of the adults, adjudged incapable or restricted in capability by the court, is determined, coming from the account one specialist per 5000 minors but at least one office per either region or town. But the law fails to determine exact number of such specialists.
Besides, in her opinion the federal law “The additional measures of state support for families, having children” concerning variants of use of means of the motherhood capital also has to be altered.
“The law RB “The monthly child benefit in RB” says that this benefit is paid out at the rate of 1100 rubles” – she explained – “The amount of the monthly wage is increased by 100% for children of unmarried mothers. The law of the Moscow region “The measures for social support of families and children in Moscow region” provides for the amount of monthly child benefit at the rate of 2120 rubles for children, younger than three years, 1060 rubles for children at the age of three years and older, for children of unmarried mothers at the age of less than 3 – 4240 rubles and 2120 rubles for children, older than 3. I suppose that the monthly child benefit for unmarried mothers has to be also increased in our Republic”.
Author:Ludmila Ternovaya
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