The President RB Rustem Khamitov has taken the floor at the IX congress of the Central Clerical Muslim Dept of Russia in Ufa Congress-Hall on October 13. The head of the Republic mentioned that the forum turned out to be a remarkable event for the whole Muslim community of the country.
“Russia, where about 20 million Muslims live, is not an external periphery of the Muslim world but its inseparable part. Islam in Russia is considered a state-forming religion along with Christianity” – Rustem Khamitov said – “The Muslim center in Ufa unites the adherents, engages in public, enlightener and charitable activity, playing the key ideological role in protection of our society fr om such evil as religious extremism”.
The President of Bashkortostan mentioned that radical ideologies, planting the seeds of hostility and hate, spread everywhere today. Representatives of various pseudo-religious structures and youth radical organizations became more and more active.
“Terrorism finds its adherents, wh ere ignorance reigns, and we pin high hopes on the Central Clerical Muslim Dept of Russia in sphere of people’s enlightenment, moreover that now religious institutions can freely develop their own systems of education”.
The federal program for support of Muslim education is under development today. The Fund for support of Muslim education and culture was established not long ago. Five Muslim education institutions work in Bashkortostan today and the Russian Islamic University is the biggest one. This is one of seven Muslim education institutions in the country. It is also important that the graduates of such institutes receive state diplomas.
Rustem Khamitov has mentioned that it is also necessary to study Koran’s wisdoms, using electronic carriers, internet and modern interactive technologies. Mullahs have to be experts not just in theology but also in the newest achievements of science and technique.
The head of the Republic has underscored in his speech that today it is of vital importance to consolidate work with youth.
“Unfortunately we observe the increase of the number of suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, criminality, psychic disturbances and many other low phenomena in youth environment. Muslims have to join the struggle with these social vices and here the interests of the country and Islam definitely coincide”.
In conclusion of the speech The President RB thanked the head of the Central Clerical Muslim Dept of Russia, the Supreme Mufti of the country Talgat Tadjuddin for his great contribution in everyday activity of the Dept.