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9 October 2012, 18:12

Rustem Khamitov:”We have all grounds for optimism”

Solemn evening party, devoted to the Republic Day, has taken place in Ufa Congress-Hall with participation of representatives of authority, deputy corps, public and religious organizations and veterans. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov congratulated the audience with the Republic Day.
“This is the festival of love in native land, multinational friendship and unity” – the President RB said – “Bashkir treasures of the land are well-known and this is a gift from heaven but industrial power of the Republic was created due to hard work and enthusiasm of many generations, people’s knowledge and talents, their striving for creation and readiness for protection of our Motherland, if necessary. Now the Republic poses new ambitious problems before itself and in order to solve these problems we have to work, meeting modern demands of the society. First of all we need a team of managers, efficiently and quickly working at all stages – from the Presidential level to the municipal one; the team, which takes the whole responsibility for situation in economics and social sphere, for well-being of all residents – from kids to veterans-upon itself. Now we have to strengthen positions of Bashkortostan as one of the most initiative, dynamically developing regions – the leaders of Russian Federation. We have to do it in order to continue those positive changes, occurring in sphere of improvement of quality of life, strengthening of social sphere, health protection, education, protection of motherhood and childhood, in sphere of mass house-building, erection of socially significant objects, opening of new workplaces and rise of wages. We are facing plenty of problems and aims now but, sure, we have all grounds for optimism. Bashkortostan recently demonstrates stable dynamics in its development. We’ve done much but still have to do much more” – the President RB stated.
Solemn evening party was continued with the show of Masters of Arts RB, devoted to the Republic Day and to the Year of happy childhood and consolidation of family values in Republic of Bashkortostan.
Author:Marina Schumilova
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