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26 September 2012, 15:44

The concept of state manpower policy is approved in Bashkortostan

The second gathering of the manpower commission under the President RB has taken place in Ufa on September 26.
“Situation with manpower work here is far from ideal” – The President RB Rustem Khamitov said, opening the gathering – “From one side we’ve laid rather good groundwork for formation of manpower reserve for state and municipal service. Today Republic of Bashkortostan is one of Russian regions with the smallest bureaucratic machinery: 54 officials fall on ten thousand citizens and by this index we stand on the 78th place among 83 regions”.
For the last three years the share of public servants in the Republic reduced by 13%, making up about six thousand people at present time.
The head of the Republic accentuated the attention on qualitative staff of public servants and mentioned that he had to face extremely low level of competence among some officials practically every day.
“The Republic faces serious and ambitious challenges - we have to develop competitive innovational economics, increasing budget incomes, putting our expenses in order, opening new workplaces, raising wages, erecting cheap housing and improving the quality of our health protection and education” – the President RB underscored – “But for that we need competent and responsible specialists and more efficient manpower policy than we have today”.
The President RB posed several problems, which should be solved for improvement of manpower work, such as rising of the quality of professional training, improvement of work with manpower reserve and raising the level of informatization of manpower services.
Participants of the gathering have discussed the draft concept of manpower policy in the system of state and self-government bodies and the regulations concerning the Republican manpower test center, prepared by the workgroups of the manpower commission. Both documents were approved.
According to the instructions of the President RB the plan for realization of the manpower policy concept should be worked up till November. The plan has to determine the exact steps in this sphere for today and in the nearest future in details.
Author:Marina Schumilova
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