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27 December 2011, 20:08

Rustem Khamitov has held the first gathering of the Council under the President RB re consolidation of international accord

The totals of the Year for consolidation of international harmony and the draft concept of the state national politics RB were under discussion on December 27 in Ufa during the first gathering of the Council for international harmony, which staff included representatives of the authority, scientific and religious circles and heads of national communities. The gathering was headed by the President RB Rustem Khamitov.
"The problem concerning consolidation of international harmony can't be called of paramount importance in Republic of Bashkortostan. For many centuries we live on this territory in peace and harmony" - Rustem Khamitov said, opening the gathering - "But we wanted to show by naming this year so how these relations were developing here. The absence of conflicts, mutual rebukes, even the slightest ones, can become a good example for the whole country. It is clear that our experience meets high demand in Russia and in the neighboring states. We've held many arrangements , conferences, forums and gatherings, devoted to this phenomenon, this year. All these actions were held on a good level, becoming the demonstration of our tolerant and reasonable life on the territory of Bashkortostan".
The Prime-Minister of the Government RB Azamat Ilimbetov made a report, devoted to the totals of the Year for consolidation of international accord, announced in Bashkortostan. The President of the Academy of Sciences RB, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Ramil Bakhtizin presented the draft concept of the state national policy, for the firs time worked up in the Republic. All participants of the gathering have taken an active part in its discussion and made the decision to publish this variant for wide discussion by population. After the Council approves this document, its gatherings will be held regularly, approximately once in a quarter.
"It is good that we established this Council" - the President RB said - "Today we are discussing perhaps the most complicated theme in the world. In my understanding international harmony looks like a precious vessel, which we mustn't spill and which has to be held carefully but tightly, so we will discuss these problems,as today, in a warm and friendly environment, but it doesn't exclude certain polemics and the necessity to make various proposals".
Author:Marina Shumilova
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