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19 July 2011, 15:18

Alexander Degtev: “The Public Chamber of Bashkortostan should become really working instrument of public society”

Alexander Degtev, a 34-year-old jurist, heading one of the juridical companies in Ufa, an activist of the friendship society “Bashkortostan-Germany” has become a new deputy chairman of the Public Chamber RB. He is one of 15 members of the Public Chamber, elected on competitive basis (of almost 40 pretenders).
“The Public Chamber RB is a real chance to help people” – Alexander Degtev said. In his opinion the Public Chamber RB should become a really working instrument of public society and for that its activity has to be boosted up.
“I’d like to make the Chamber more open in order the citizens of Bashkortostan would be able to take an active part in its activity, including the meetings of its workgroups. As a lawyer I intend to apply my professional skills, taking part in work of all its commissions, and as a deputy chairman – to take an active part in the organizational process. The Public Chamber of the second convocation consists of bright, talented and not indifferent to problems of other people specialists and it is good that the members of the first convocation are also present in its staff. It means that we can unite our experience and energy for more efficient assistance to the society”.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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