news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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25 February 2011, 14:19

Cooperation agreement between parliaments of Udmurtia and Bashkortostan is signed in Ufa

The cooperation agreement between the State Council of Udmurt Republic and the State Council-Kurultay-RB is signed in Ufa today, February 25, by the speakers of Udmurt and Bashkir parliaments Alexander Soloviev and Constantine Tolkatchev. The agreement is signed in the course of the visit of the Udmurt Republic’s parliamentary delegation to our Republic.
The agreement is aimed at widening and consolidation of the inter-parliamentary relations and at the exchange with experience in joint law-making activity. It determines the prior directions in development of our business contacts: elaboration and discussion of the bills of the federal laws, worked up for introduction to the State Duma, the exchange with the legal acts and the bills of these acts, holding of the conferences, meetings and consultations to the themes, being of mutual interest. The document also presumes holding of mutual parliamentary hearings.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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