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27 December 2010, 14:41

World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee intends to oppose to extremism

The World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee intends to oppose to extremism and struggle with the prejudices with respect to Islam, the deputy chairman of the executive committee Valiakhmet Badtetdinov reported to the news agency “Bashinform”.
“We established ten commissions on different directions and one workgroup on religious issues” – he said – “We will work in close contact with the Republican religious institutions and in the direct dialogue with the corresponding public bodies. We intend to oppose to popularization of the extremist slogans among population. If we fail to patronize this direction, various undesirable forms can appear. The workgroup will control this activity. We’d like our population have better relations with the religion and we will contribute to it by all means”.
Author:Timur Rakhmatullin
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