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27 December 2010, 17:18

Dmitry Medvedev approved the idea to hold a meeting of Russian State Council Presidium in Bashkiria

The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev approved the idea to hold the meeting of the Russian State Council Presidium on international relations in Bashkiria.
“This theme is very complicated and multi-sided” – the President of the country said on Wednesday at the meeting of the Russian State Council in Kremlin – “but unfortunately it often appears unpopular in the country, so we have to discuss it regularly. I think we’ll devote one of our meetings to this theme and it is quite possible Bashkiria will become the main discussion site”.
The idea to hold such meeting belongs to the President of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov. As he believes, our Republic can share its experience on solution of the national problems with other regions and the actuality of this theme can be explained by the rise of activity of various extremist religious and national movements in the country.
“Unfortunately more and more young people grasp the extremist ideas on either confessional or national ground and we make all possible in Bashkiria to extirpate this phenomenon. I am engaged in this problem personally and regularly meet with the leaders of our national communities – Bashkir, Tatar, Russian, Chuvash and others. We’ve managed to persuade even those who earlier disposed to radicalism to start a dialogue. And today we agitate our compatriots in the neighboring regions for consolidation of international and inter-religious agreement through the Bashkir satellite TV”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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