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15 December 2010, 14:22

Mufti of Bashkiria doesn’t confirm the information of “INTERFAX” about death of a Republican citizen in Medina

The Chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB, Mufti Nurmukhamet Nigmatullin refused to confirm the information about death of one of our pilgrims in Medina, spread by some federal mass-media.
“We haven’t received such information” - he said on Wednesday at the press-conference in the news agency “Bashinform” – “The Clerical Muslim Dept RB isn’t engaged in hadj organization at present time and, perhaps, the tourist company, which organized the tour for our country-woman, can answer this question but since the information in internet doesn’t contain either the name of the tourist company or the name of the woman, it still arouses certain doubts”.
The information about death of the Bashkir country-woman – one of the pilgrims – has appeared first on the site of “INTERFAX” and later on other news sites on Monday. At that it was reported our country-woman had died at local hospital because of attack of asthma and her relatives decided to bury her in Saudi Arabia.
In opinion of the local imam Muhammad Gallyamov even if such case really occurred, these facts mustn’t become the matter for the federal mass-media.
“Jointly with the interregional pilgrim center “IDEL HADJ” we organize the departure of our pilgrims to the holy places in Mecca and Medina already fort the sixth year” – he said – “Even if this message comes true, it doesn’t mean the pilgrim tour was organized badly. Four-seven million people visit Saudi Arabia every year and this country has the millennium-long experience in organization of such tours and this unexpected death should be regarded as an accident and not as a sensation”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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