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8 December 2010, 09:31

Delegation of the World Bashkir Kurultay (Congress) intends to become acquainted with life of Bashkirs in Perm region

The delegation of the World Bashkir Kurultay has left for Perm region on December 8 and its staff includes the chairman of the World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee Ilgiz Sultanmuratov, the head of the Bashkir language chair at the Institute of education development RB Zakia Gabitova and the senior specialist on cooperation with other Russian regions of the World Bashkir Kurultay executive committee Azamat Suleimanov. During three days they intend to visit three districts in Perm region – Bardymsky, Osinsky and Chernushinsky.
In the village BARDA – the center of Bardymsky district- the delegation of the World Bashkir Kurultay will hold a meeting with the head of the local administration Sergey Ibraev. The heads of the administration’s education and culture departments and activists of the regional Bashkir community will also take part in the meeting. The representatives of Bashkiria will attend the Art School, where several Bashkir amateur folk collectives are established, the local gymnasium, where a Bashkir class is planned to be opened, and the local lore museum. In other two districts they will hold meetings with the activists of the local Bashkir communities.
For the reference: The Bashkirs of the clan GAINA inhabit Perm region from the ancient times and according to the data of the all-Russian population census-2002 the Bashkir population is found on the fourth place in the ethnic structure of Perm region after Russians, Tatars and Komi-Permyaks, making up 40,7 thousand people. Bashkirs live in Bardymsky, Oktyabrsky, Osinsky and Chernushinsky districts, playing noticeable role in public-political and social-economic life of the region.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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