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26 November 2010, 15:34

Rustem Khamitov: “You are toilers and your hands are callous”

The rewarding of the mothers with many kids with the medals “Motherhood Glory” has taken place in the Congress-Hall today. 49 women from different Bashkir regions and one from Ufa have taken part in it. The majority of the women are householders but there are teachers, postmen, public servants, book-keepers, milkmaids, librarians and medics.
“Today we gathered here on a very good occasion – for presentation of the medals “Motherhood Glory” – the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov addressed himself to the women – “The word “glory” is usually associated with either a feat or some outstanding action and seems don’t suit well to the mother’s duties, which are considered ordinary and hardly noticeably work. But it is not so. I believe that every mom is a hero because she declines comfort and even career for the sake of her children and real mother is never an egoist and what if she has not just one child but several?
Our help for you is not as large as we’d like it might have been but we are working hard in this direction. Let’s take the problem with housing, for example. We pose the problem to re-orientate the building market from the elite dwelling to the available economic class. Or let’s take the shortage of kindergartens in our towns – 50 thousand people stand in the queue. We will erect more kindergartens. In spite of all difficulties you have become the mothers with many kids. I do hope your children will grow up worthy people and will be happy but we have to work hard for that”.
Author:Olga Murtazina
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