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19 November 2010, 17:15

The site of the President RB is registered in domain zone of Russian Federation

The official site of the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov is registered in the domain zone of Russian Federation. This site to the address was opened not long ago – on November 1.
It should be noted that the official information portal of Republic of Bashkortostan functioned as the presidential site before ( and this site contained not only the data about the activity of the President RB but also the information about history of Bashkiria, its state and administrative-territorial structure, nature, authority and municipalities, federal structures etc.
The personal site of the first person of the Republic is devoted exclusively to the presidential power branch and here one may become acquainted with the activity of the President RB, his status, internal policy and operating schedule.
By the way, the Governmental federal communication and informatization commission under the chairmanship of the Minister of telecom and mass communications RF Igor Shegolev was discussing the course of open registration in the first Cyrillic domain zone RF today. The Ministry of telecom and mass communications RF reports the registration of the domains with the addresses in Russian language for the authority and the owners of the trademarks started on November 15, 2009. Mass-media and non-commercial organizations were included into this list later. And one week ago, November 11, ordinary Russian citizens also might get registration in the first Cyrillic domain zone. For this week the rates of the Russian domain’s growth have surpassed all expectations: the number of the Russian-speaking domains exceeded half a million and the zone itself entered the Top 20 of the biggest domain zones in the world.
And one more important addition: from the very beginning the administrators of the Russian domain were undertaking all possible measures in order to guard it against the rascaldom. The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia took the process of registration in the domain zone under its control.
Author:Lubov Kolokolova
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