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11 November 2010, 11:21

The deputy chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Ruslan Sayakhov to participate in a Skype-conference

The Skype-conference “Open world: for human rights” will take place on November 11 and its goal is consolidation of the efforts on popularization of the lawful knowledge among pupils and students and popularization of the Human Rights Declaration.
Participants of the conference intend to discuss the actual problems on protection of children’s rights, the rights of women and the persons with disabilities, our compatriots abroad and other aspects of the remedial activity. The deputy chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB for education and PR-relations Ruslan Sayakhov will be one of the VIP-guests at the conference and the subject of his report is “Islam and tolerance”. Ruslan Sayakhov will tell about the ideological basics of tolerance in Islam.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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