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9 November 2010, 21:18

Rustem Khamitov has taken part in the conference re modernization of health protection sphere

The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov has taken part in the gathering “The programs for health protection modernization in Russian regions”, held on November 9 in video-conference mode in the city of Ivanovo. The gathering was headed by the Prime-Minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Minister of health protection and social development RF Tatiana Golikova, the representatives of the Federal Assembly and several profiled ministries and the heads of all Russian regions also participated in it in video-conference mode.
The regional modernization of health protection is called to improve the accessibility of medical services for population and now the projects of the health protection modernization programs have already entered the Russian Ministry of health protection and social development from practically all Russian regions. The programs will be funded due to the subsidies of the Federal Obligatory Medical Insurance Fund, the means of the regional consolidated budgets and the means of the territorial obligatory medical insurance funds.
As the news agency “Bashinform” reported earlier, the project of the Republican health protection modernization program presumes first of all the improvement of the material and technical base at the medical institutions RB, their provision with the modern medical equipment and human resources, the rise of wages and complete informatization of the health system.
As Vladimir Putin mentioned during the meeting, the questions of health protection and population’s health are considered of paramount importance for every state. For the last years the noticeable reorganizations in this sphere are undertaken in our country too and the national project “Health” has become one of such reorganizations. For five years the state has spent 590 billion rubles for its development and other 446 billion will be spent in the nearest three years. The program for modernization of the country’s health protection system will start working in parallel with this project beginning from January 1, 2011. The Russian budget will appropriate 460 billon rubles for this modernization. Besides, the state reserves current funding of the federal health centers to itself.
In opinion of the head of the Russian Government, the complex of the abovementioned programs and projects, aimed at the improvement of the national health system, is considered the most wide-scaled for the whole history of the country. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov has mentioned in his turn that the meeting concerning the programs for modernization of health protection system in Russian regions has come quite in handy, because the field meeting of the Republican Council re development of health protection will take place in Ufa in the nearest days.
Author:Alfia Agliullina
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