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18 October 2010, 15:24

Rustem Khamitov is against Bashkiria’s switch to Moscow time

The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov doesn’t support the idea concerning the Republic’s transition to Moscow time, as he publicly stated in his “Live Journal” blog
The question concerning turning of Bashkiria to Moscow time was widely discussed at the beginning of the last week after a regular gathering of the State Council-Kurultay-RB. The news that one of its deputies – Nazib Yamilov – worked up the bill about the Republic’s transition to Moscow time was quickly spread in the mass-media and aroused many responses, mainly the negative ones, from the well-known scientists, representatives of the authority and wide public and not jus in Bashkiria but in Moscow too. In their common opinion our region lives in the time zone, maximally close to the geographic one, and there is no necessity to change it. Moreover, the economic expediency of such transition is rather doubtful and the negative after-effects for the citizens RB, who in this case have to adapt themselves to a new biological time, are more than evident, especially for the representatives of older generation and kids.
According to M-r Khamitov all talks about Bashkiria’s transition to Moscow time are just a private opinion of one of the deputies. “This theme was never discussed either at the governmental or at the presidential level” – he has written in his blog – “My personal opinion is that this transition can hardly be called expedient since we live by correct geographical and biological time, so I’m joining the grounds against such transition”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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