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29 September 2010, 18:41

Rustem Khamitov: the population census should be held in the Republic efficiently and in an organized way

The readiness of Bashkiria for holding the all-Russian population census-2010 was evaluated at the meeting, held in video-conference mode under the chairmanship of the President RB Rustem Khamitov.
“The preparations for the census in the Republic are running according to the schedule” – the deputy Prime-Minister of the Government RB, the head of the Government’s Machinery and the chairman of the Republican commission Ilshat Tajitdinov reported – “The organizational- technical preparation is completed in a whole but some directions demand permanent attention of the municipal authorities”.
First, this is the necessary conditions for the census’s personnel. The whole territory of the Republic is divided into 631 census blocks, more than 2,5 thousand instructor’s divisions, ten thousand main and two thousand stationary blocks and 1882 accommodations, equipped with the communication means, guards and means for fire extinguishing are allocated for this work.
The deputy Prime-Minister of the Government RB, the Minister of finances RB Airat Gaskarov reported about financing of the state competences on preparations and holding of the census-2010, transferred to the local self-government bodies. The amount of the subventions to the Republic from the federal budget for holding of the population census made up 61million 100 thousand rubles. A part of this sum at the rate of 16,6 million was paid out to the Republic in advance in 2010. The rest of the means will be transferred in 2011.
“The main thing is that the census should be held efficiently and in an organized way” – the President RB Rustem Khamitov said – “At that we shouldn’t politicize the census’ essence – this is a technical procedure so our attitude to it has to be calm. But it will be difficult for us to move further without information about the situation in the Republic, concerned with the investigation of the problems, covered by the census. The regional authorities need this objective data in order to conduct the well-balanced policy in the region in the future”.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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