news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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28 September 2010, 18:08

The law-makers of Volga federal district have discussed the problems of public society development, sanatorium-and-spa treatment, counteraction to youth extremism and the bill “About police” in Ufa

The problems concerning development of public society in the regions, found in the staff of the Volga federal district, legislative provision of the sanatorium-and-spa treatment, its present state and prospects of development by the example of Bashkortostan, the bill “About police” and counteraction to youth extremism were under discussion at the XXIV gathering of the Association of Volga federal district’s regional legislative bodies.
The Plenipotentiary of the President RF in the Volga federal district Gregory Rapota characterized the discussed problems as “very different but important”. The Plenipotentiary called Republic of Bashkortostan the republic, where the sanatorium-and-spa treatment received very high development and added the health of the nation depended upon its level.
The bill “About police” is widely discussed by the whole society now; the discussion is close to the end and more than 30 thousand various proposals have been received by the Russian authority. “We’ve held the expert’s meeting concerning this bill” – Gregory Rapota reported – “I can say we haven’t yet held such qualified and efficient expert’s meeting before”.
The counteraction to youth extremism is a multi-sided process, the Plenipotentiary said, but finally everything comes to education of our youth.
The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov mentioned, answering the questions of journalists after the end of the gathering, that he treated the proposal, advanced when discussing the bill “About police”, to submit the candidature of the Minister of internal affairs in this or that region to approval of the legislative body of this region quite calmly.
He also reported he investigated the situation with the sanatorium-and-spa treatment in the Republic. “We have quite good and even luxurious sanatoriums but the prices in these sanatoriums are too high” – he said and promised to attract the specialist, which would work up the measures to make the treatment in these health centers cheaper.
Author:Nikolai Ermolenko
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