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27 September 2010, 16:14

Rustem Khamitov: “People have to be sure no incidents will occur during the winter period”

The heads of Republican ministries and municipal districts reported on the readiness of housing-communal, energy and social objects for the forthcoming winter period to the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov today.
“All measures on preparations of the power engineering and housing-communal objects are performed in full volume” – the Minister of housing and communal services RB Geman Asadullin reported.
6,5 billon rubles have been appropriated to financing of the arrangements for the winter season by September 24, including 400 million rubles of attracted means and 6,1 billion – from the consolidated budget RB. Today the Republic actively assimilates the means of the federal budget. 1 billion 142 million rubles have been allocated for major repair of the tenements and about 600 million rubles have been mastered for resettlement of citizens from the wrecked housing.
“Though these figures look substantial, they are rather small for our Republic” – the President RB underscored.
The Minister of education RB Zinnat Allayarov and the deputy Minister of health protection RB Zufar Murtazin reported on 100%-readiness of education and health protection objects for the forthcoming heating season.
Rustem Khamitov has set the aim before the heads of all levels to undertake all possible steps in order the citizens of Bashkiria would be sure no incidents occur during the heating season.
Author:Galya Nabieva
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