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23 September 2010, 17:44

Rustem Khamitov outlined the aim before the deputies to work for raising of the ordinary people’s living standards

The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov opened the autumn session with his speech before the deputies of the Republican parliament today. He called the forthcoming year rather uneasy because of the echoes of the last economic crisis. But the aim for all branches of power remains one and the same: to work for the good of ordinary people. “Our people live in easy circumstances but these circumstances are minimal” – the President RB said – “The wages are still low and people with scanty means are still numerous, we build not enough housing and face shortage of hospitals and kindergartens. Our transport is rather expensive. We’ve done much for the last years but life doesn’t stay idle so we have to work even more”.
The President RB has reminded the traditional rough economics of Bashkiria should change the vector of its development. “Sure, it won’t change just for one day but we have to start this movement now”.
Rustem Khamitov called the aid to really needy people the priority in social sphere and said that “This aid should become really purposeful – it’s high time to pass from words to deeds”.
When working over the project of the Republican budget-2011, which would be submitted for discussion in the nearest future, he urged the deputies to make it maximally oriented towards the people’s needs. “In particular, innovational approach should be applied to economics and struggle with poverty has to be the priority in social sphere”.
The support of small business is one more important aim: “This is the subject of paramount importance and we have to pay maximal attention to it. If we fail to solve this problem, we won’t be able to move further in sphere of population employment, the rise of wages and growth of people’s prosperity”.
Rustem Khamitov set the aim to make the parliament the site for maximally wide and critical discussion of the most important bills: “Openness, availability and transparency are the only keystone to our joint success”.
Author:Nikolai Ermolenko
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