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27 August 2010, 15:34

The program for development of Bashkir trans-Ural is called to move this territory from the crisis

The program of development of Baimaksky region, Sibay and the whole Bashkir trans-Ural is called to move this part of the Republic fr om the crisis and to give it a new start to development. The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov gave the corresponding instructions on elaboration of such program to the head of the Governmental Machinery RB Ilshat Tadjidinov.
“The program has to be worked up taking the existing economic situation in the region, the state of local agriculture and processing enterprises, the presence of the natural and personnel’s resources on this territory into account” – Rustem Khamitov said - “the necessity to involve serious investors from other regions and making favorable conditions for development of small business should be considered too”.
As the President of Bashkortostan said, the trans-Ural territory is the risky zone for the whole Republic. If the central and northern regions RB have faced the drought for the first time, it remains a typical phenomenon for this territory – it suffers from the droughts for already the fourth year successively.
“In spite of the unfavorable climatic conditions the people, living here, have learned to survive but all of them, beginning with the heads of local municipalities, have to learn how to work in modern market conditions. We are all found on the world competitive field wh ere only the strongest wins. If we fail to grasp this idea, we’ll inevitably lose”.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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