news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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16 August 2010, 17:50

Alexander Torshin: the destiny of Russia depends on its regions

The Chairman of the State Council-Kurultay-RB Constantine Tolkatchev held a meeting with the deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Alexander Torshin, who arrived in Ufa with one-day reconnaissance visit.
“The last time I’ve visited Ufa 14 years ago” – the guest said – “But I’ve never visited the Bashkir parliament though it is considered one of the most actively working in Russia. I’d like to watch how the work of the highest legislative body RB, which has signed the cooperation agreement with the Federation Council one of the first, is organized.
He has mentioned the Republic solves many its problems self-dependently and it is concerned “with that margin of safety, laid here not today or yesterday but very long ago”.
“We are waiting for the legislative initiatives on all directions of our activity fr om the regional parliamentarians because the destiny of Russia depends on the regions first of all and the success of the whole state depends on the ability of the local parliaments to react upon this or that situation. Bashkortostan deserves closer attention from the federal center for today from the point of view of popularization of its positive experience” – M-r Torshin said. In his opinion the maximal number of all problems should be solved at the regional level and only the really global questions have to be considered at the federal level, moreover it was so several years ago.
“But for that we should have strict delim itation of competences between the regions and the center” – so Constantine Tolkatchev supported this position.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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