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9 August 2010, 19:16

Bashkortostan and “Business Russia” arranged upon further cooperation

On August 9 the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov held a meeting with the delegation of the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia” and its chairman Boris Titov.
The framework agreement about further cooperation was signed in the course of the negotiations. According to M-r Titov this agreement “still has to be filled up with the exact joint programs”. He mentioned this work would run in different directions.
First of all the parties reached the agreement concerning improvement of the investment climate, development of the business support institutes, joint activity on formation of the infrastructure in sphere of available house-building, development of trade networks and financial sphere.
“Our organization doesn’t afraid of competition and we needn’t any preferences. The main thing is that we’ve got the assurances that all business organizations in the Republic will face equal conditions” – M-r Titov stated.
He mentioned that “that fact that the region has its own natural resources and good opportunities in agriculture can be called a very important aspect. Besides, there is one more important factor of the competitiveness in the economics – free labor resources”.
At present time these resources make about 400 thousand people. “Today when we are facing evident shortage of labor resources all over the country, the presence of such resources in Bashkortostan makes favorable conditions for the inflow of investments” – the chairman of “Business Russia” underscored.
“As one of the institutes of the civil society we understand that if we offer more attractive conditions in the Republic than our competitors or even other Russian regions do, the investors will come exactly here and this is our goal. Everything depends on how quickly the situation will change today and I believe the investments to Bashkortostan can be attracted already in the nearest months” – Boris Titov said.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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