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4 August 2010, 16:01

Motor race Bashkortostan-Germany started in Ufa

The motor race Bashkortostan-Germany, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, started from the Ufa’s Congress-Hall today.
The chief of the motor race Ildar Kamaletdinov says 18 people decided to join the action – mainly representatives of business and some public organizations, including the Bashkir division of the “United Russia”.
The route will run through Moscow and further through Minsk, Warsaw, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Cologne, Mainz and other German cities. There are four cars in the staff and other three cars will join them in Moscow.
“The main goal of the action is to see the world, to tell other people about our Republic and to meet friends. Besides, we intend to lay flowers to the graves of our soldiers, visit the concentration camp “Buchenwald”. Besides, we will take part in foundation of the monument in the honor of the Bashkir soldiers, having taken part in the war of 1812” – Ildar Kamaletdinov reported.
The participants of the motor race intend to return to Ufa at the end of August.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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