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31 July 2010, 17:11

The industrial park in Agidel to be established on the base of the unfinished Bashkir APP

The industrial park, oriented to the building branch, will be established on the base of the unfinished Bashkir atomic power plant in the town of Agidel. This is the decision, reached by the President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov and the head of the state corporation “ROSATOM” Sergey Kirienko in the course of the today’s meeting.
As M-r Kirienko said, “ROSATOM” is principally interested in cooperation with the Republic today. The corporation fills several big orders, erecting nine atomic power plants on the territory of Russia and seven abroad at one and the same time. Some of Bashkir enterprises might come out as the purveyors for these objects.
“As for the Bashkir atomic power plant, the program of the corporation development till 2020 doesn’t include its further construction” –Sergey Kirienko said – “The proposal of the Republican leadership concerning establishment of the industrial park was approved by us. Since everybody will win by that. The Republican and the town budgets will receive new intakes, the problem of unemployment in Agidel will be solved at last and our corporation might come out as a purveyor of that industrial center, which is to be located on the empty sites.
According to Sergey Kirienko the group of “ROSATOM” specialists will arrive in Agidel in the nearest future to discuss the details.
The construction of the Bashkir APP was shutdown in 1990 after the tragedy at the Chernobyl APP. During 20 years the unfinished power plant stood idle on the area more than 600 hectares and this fact negatively affected the situation with the employment in the town of Agidel, for which the Bashkir atomic power plant was originally planned as the town-forming enterprise.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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