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23 July 2010, 17:53

The President of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov held a meeting with the law-enforcement structures

The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov held a meeting with the heads of the Republican law-enforcement bodies today and the serious act of terror at the Baksanskaya hydroelectric station in Kabardino-Balkaria, which had occurred this week, was the main ground for the negotiations.
The head of the Republic mentioned that Bashkortostan was an industrially developed region with plenty of potentially dangerous objects on its territory, including the hydraulic facilities. The President RB underscored all these objects were found in the zone of a high risk so their protection should be absolutely reliable.
The head of the Federal Security Service in RB Viktor Palagin reported the President RB ordered them to examine all industrial objects and the objects of life support for the purpose of their secure functioning.
For the reference: 610 hydraulic facilities are exploited on the territory of Bashkortostan according to information of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Directorate in Republic of Bashkortostan. Their capacity exceeds 2,4 billion cubic meters.
The planned check-ups of practically all hydroelectric stations and hydraulic facilities in the Republic have been held in 2009. No worst-case situations have been registered at the Republican objects. All hydroelectric stations RB are working in the accident-free mode.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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