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19 July 2010, 19:06

Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Rustem Khamitov with the assumption of the office of the President RB

The President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev sent the telegram to Rustem Khamitov and congratulated him with the assumption of the office of the President RB:
“Dear Rustem Zakievitch!
Let me congratulate you with the official assumption of the office of the President RB. I am sure that on this responsible post you will use your knowledge and experience for realization of a high social-economic potential of the region, for the rise of the quality of life and will make all possible for preservation of international and inter-religious agreement and political stability in the Republic.
I wish you every success in your work and all the best.
Dmitry Medvedev”.
It is also said in the congratulation of the head of the Presidential Administration RF Sergey Naryshkin:
“Dear Rustem Zakievitch!
Let me heartily congratulate you with empowering you with the authority of the President RB! The confidence, rendered to you by the President of Russia and by the deputies of the State Council-Kurultay-RB, introducing the interests of the citizens of the region, is the evidence of your professional activity for the good of the Fatherland. I wish you every success in your work, aimed at the development of the richest economic potential of the Republic and at strengthening of the prosperity of its citizens.
Strong health and successful realization of all your plans!
The Head of the Presidential Administration RF Sergey Naryshkin”.
Author:news-service of President RB
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