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25 June 2010, 17:12

The president of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has visited the "Murat-Tugay" tourist camp

Today during a working trip over Burzyansky region the head of the republic visited the "Murat-Tugay" tourist camp which is under construction.
In total 22 inhabited complexes will be located here. 14 from them are already at their final stage. In the camp territory several cottages, a cafe, a covered pier, parking places, saunas are ready for operation.
We should remind that the camp is erected within the framework of the complex program of tourism development in Bashkortostan up to 2020 and the program directed on the tourism industry development in Burzyansky region with the term till 2011.
Tourist centre construction began on May 2, 2010. As the builders assured they plan to finish all works in the third quarter of 2010.
Opening of the first tourist camp in Burzyansky region the President named as a significant event. Besides such tourist camps were opened near Baynazarovo village in the Olo-Kuzhan district and near Ishdavletovo village.
The next years only on the bank of the river Belaya opening of 16 more similar tourist complexes is planned.
The head of the republic marked that our region possesses huge potential for the outdoor activity and tourism organisation. According to the statistical data, in the territory of Bashkortostan it is annually served up to 200 thousand of tourists. Regularly more than 60 thousand people are engaged in the organised form of amateur and sports tourism, the majority of them are young people.
Author:Sergey Zaharov
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