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9 June 2010, 15:23

Delegates of the III Bashkir Kurultay are arriving in Ufa

Registration of the delegates of the III Bashkir Kurultay (Congress) is held in the House of the State Council RB today. The chairman of the Clerical Muslim Dept RB Nurmukhamet Nigmatullin, the director of the Institute of history, language and literature RB Firdaus Khisamitdinova and the chairman of the cultural-enlightener society “DUSLYK” from Khanty-Mansiysky autonomous district Mudaris Majitov were the first, who received the mandates of the delegates.
“During more than 10 years we raise the culture of Bashkir nation in the city of Nizhnevartovsk. Now there are more than 30 people registered in our pubic organization. And in a whole more than eight and a half thousand Bashkirs live on the territory of the district" – Mudaris Majitov told to “Bashinform”.
Talking about their problems he reported that there was still no possibility to watch the Bashkir satellite TV in Nizhnevartovsk and certain problems with study of Bashkir language were also present. "We'll definitely raise these questions at the congress" - the chairman of "DUSLYK" said.
The representatives of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Saratov, Tomsk, Sakhalin and other Russian regions, CIS and non-CIS states have registered themselves as the delegates of the III Bashkir Kurultay in the second half of the day. The registration will last till 9 o'clock in the evening. 851 people are elected as the delegates in a whole.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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