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5 June 2010, 18:58

Rail Sarbaev: “We have to make worthy living conditions in the countryside”

Within the frames of the Saturday’s work trip to Ilishevsky region RB the Prime-Minister of Government RB Rail Sarbaev has held a briefing for the representatives of the Republican mass-media, where he indicated several important moments concerning the support of the agrarians. In particular, the matter was the support of private auxiliary farmings, small business and the improvement of the quality of medical care in Bashkir villages.
The Prime-Minister reported that in 2010 the Government came out with the initiative on elaboration of the bill, aimed at the strengthening of the manpower potential at the rural health care institutions. The bill offers regular payments of one-time and monthly cash benefits to the medical specialists, wishing to work in the villages. This step is concerned with the shortage of the specialists with higher medical education in the countryside.
As for the private auxiliary farmings, the Prime-Minister said, these farmings were always the stable source of additional incomes for the villagers. The program for development of private auxiliary farmings with the financing about 1,5 billion rubles has been approved in Bashkortostan at the beginning of this year. Now the changes, concerning the subsidies, paid for development of the private farmings, which can be used for acquisition of fodders, fuels and lubricants, transport expenses etc, are added to the program.
Indicating the actuality of small business relief the Prime-Minister reported that about 250 businessmen received the state relief at the rate of more than 110 million rubles in 2009. For example, more than 4 thousand people are involved in agrarian business in Ilishevsky region today and small business in this region stably grows, increasing on average by 20% annually.
“Our villages mustn’t die” – Rail Sarbaev said – “We mustn’t admit that people leave the countryside and stop working on the land. The Republican leadership makes all possible to avoid it”.
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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