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26 May 2010, 16:12

The level of corruption in Volga federal district grows up

The number of the corruption crimes, revealed in Volga federal district, has increased by 7% for the last year, the deputy Russian Attorney-General Ernest Valeev, patronizing Volga federal district, stated at the meeting of the Russian Federation Council’s committee for legal and judicial issues.
According to him more than 14 thousand various violations have been revealed in several regions of the district, including two thousand violations, having the corruption character and concerned with the usage of state property.
In the course of the inspections 500 VIPs have been revealed, including 12 officials, to whom the exceeding of their official powers is incriminated, including the questions, concerned with the distribution of state property for selfish ends, Ernest Valeev mentioned.
As he reported, the number of bribe-takers has grown up by 26% as compared wit the previous year and the number of the crimes, concerned with bribery, has grown up by 3%.
The deputy Attorney-General came out with the proposal to widen the circle of public employees, which have to introduce their income statements, including their nearest relatives. The deputy Attorney-General also proposed to introduce the managerial responsibility for unreasonable enrichment of state officials, if their status exceeds the official incomes, the portal (the Committee for struggle with corruption) reports, referring to
Author:Sergey Zakharov
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