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26 May 2010, 10:26

Happy Russian business undertakings Day!

This day is marked in the calendars as the Day of Russian business undertakings and on this occasion the President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov congratulated all business people with their professional holiday:
“I am happy the number of creative people, having active living positions and high responsibility for their business, grows up every year. Every third of the number of all people, engaged in economics, works in sphere of small and medium business in our Republic for today.
Active support of business undertakings, creation of various incentives for widening of economic activity and maximally comfortable business climate are considered the most important constituents of Russian state policy for today. Thus, more than 1100 subjects of small and medium business in Bashkortostan have received state aid for the overall sum of 1,8 billion rubles in 2009.
The widening of participation of business in development of the prior branches of economics has high importance in the step-by-step social and economic development of our Republic. Small and medium business jointly produce one fifth of the gross regional product. The volume of investments to the fixed capital of small and micro-enterprises reached almost 10 billion rubles.
Social liability of business is growing up as well as its contribution to the rise of people’s well-being and their level of life. In many respects thanks to your initiatives we open new workplaces and preserve the old ones, providing for stable intakes to our budget and supplying of our people with necessary goods and services.
I wish you, dear business people, strong health, well-being, happiness and every success for the good of our Republic and the whole country!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the official congratulation of the President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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