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25 May 2010, 10:43

President of Bashkortostan welcomes participants of the forum “Gas, Oil, Technologies-2010”

The XVIII international specialized exhibition “Gas, Oil, Technologies-2010” will be opened in Ufa today and on this occasion the President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov welcomed the participants and guests of the forthcoming forum:
“I am happy to greet you again on the hospitable land of Bashkortostan! This exhibition has already become traditional and doesn’t need any additional presentation. When meeting at the forum in Ufa the professional have a chance to discuss their everyday problems, exchange with experience and to become acquainted with the innovations of their colleagues. All this contributes to general development of the branch and to its further advancement along the way of modernization.
Our Republic was and remains the region, where the richest intellectual and natural resources are harmoniously combined with the economic stability and well-developed social and spiritual spheres.
The refineries of Bashkortostan remain the leaders of Russian oil-processing by the level of technical equipping and applied technologies. The investments here are directed first of all to the deepening of oil processing and to the rise of high-quality and competitive output. For today the depth of oil processing at the Republican refineries exceeds 80%, while this figure is equal to just 72% at other Russian refineries on average. The oil products, produced here, meet the quality standards “Euro-3” and “Euro-4” and face high demand both in internal and external markets.
The oil-processing complex RB develops itself thanks to conducting of efficient investment policy. We produce high-quality fuels and wide range of raw material for the oil-chemical enterprises. I think we have enough to demonstrate to our guests but at the same time we have to learn something from them too!
I wish all participants of the XVIII international specialized exhibition “Gas, Oil, Technologies-2010” strong health, well-being, productive work and interesting meetings with your partners!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the greeting message of the President RB.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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