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13 May 2010, 16:08

The 150th anniversary of Stolypin will be celebrated in 2012 at the state level

The President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree about celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Russian state activist, the Prime-Minister Peter Stolypin in 2012, the Kremlin site reported on Thursday. In accordance with the decree the Russian Government is ordered to form the steering committee and to work up the plan of actions for preparations for the jubilee.
Peter Stolypin was born on April 17, 1862. He entered the history of Russia as a reformer. The reforms, undertaken by him, allowed Russia for a short period of time to hold the fifth place in the world by the rates of economic growth and to create favorable investment and tax climate both for industry and business. Stolypin had been killed as a result of an attempt in 1911 and buried at Kiev-Pechorskaya Lavra in Kiev. The Russian Government has established the medal of Stolypin for a contribution to social-economical development of the country in May 2008.
Author:Marina Shumilova
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