news Ufa and Bashkortostan in english
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9 May 2010, 14:44

The parade in honor of the Victory Day has taken place in Ufa

Solemn review of the Ufa’s garrison troops, law-enforcement structures, veteran’s organizations and patriotic clubs has taken place on May 9, 2010, in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory on the Lenin’s Square of Ufa. The parade in the capital RB is not included into the list of the official parades, determined by the President of Russia and held in the Russian hero-cities but it doesn’t minimize the great endowment of our Republic to the Victory.
As everywhere in Russia the parade in Ufa started with the live broadcast from the Red Square in Moscow and with the celebration of the veterans by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.
After the end of the speech of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the thrice-repeated “Hurray” the 35 columns of the participants of the parade started their going through the Lenin’s Square.
The legendary tank “T-34” – the best tank in the world, having played the decisive role in the battles under Moscow and Stalingrad, near Berlin and in other operations, opened the parade of the old and modern military machinery. After its end the helicopter with the triangle, fastened to its hull, representing the soldier’s letter of the war times had flown over the square and it has become a prologue to the next theatrical show “The Memory of the Fire Years”.
Author:Nikolai Ermolenko
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