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6 May 2010, 17:39

The operative staff for organization of transportations of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War started working in Bashkortostan

The temporary interdepartmental staff for organization of transportations of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and people, accompanying them, by air, by train and other transport started working in Bashkortostan. The staff includes representatives of several ministries and departments of various transport organizations. The deputy Minister of building, architecture and transport RB Valerie Ilyasov is appointed the head of the interdepartmental staff.
As the deputy head of the staff Sergey Merezko reports, the staff is working since May 1 in the round-the-clock mode. Beginning from May 3 any veteran of the war and one of his attendants may drive any transport free, except taxi. This action will last till May 12 inclusive and the temporary staff will be working also within this period of time.
“The tradition to give attention to the people, who stood all difficulties of the war on their shoulders, is observed in the country for many decades and the main task of the staff is to provide for the maximal comfort and safety of our veterans during their transportations in the festive days. This is our homage to the feat of the older generation, having managed to save the country from the enemies and to stand those severe years” – Sergey Merezko mentioned.
Author:Galina Feoktistova
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