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1 May 2010, 20:27

President RB Murtaza Rakhimov has flown over the southern regions of Bashkortostan

The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov has made the helicopter’s flying over of the southern regions of Bashkortostan on Saturday, May 1, 2010. He has become acquainted with the course of construction of the industrial and social objects and was interested in social-economic development of the regions.
Thus, in Kyurgazinsky region RB the head of the Republic has inspected construction of the water pool on the river BOLSHOY ASHATYR near the village AKSAROVO. This object will be put into exploitation this summer.
Besides, the President RB was interested in preparations for the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the measures for support of the veterans of war and with the spring field works in the region.
In Kugartchinsky region Murtaza Rakhimov has inspected the local agricultural enterprise “TAVAKAN”, which can be by right called an agricultural enterprise of the future. Its specialists apply the newest technologies and managed to achieve the highest results in rearing of cattle and poultry.
In Khaibullinsky region RB Murtaza Rakhimov has inspected the abuilding concentrating mill “BASHMED” near the open pit “UBILEINY”. In the nearest future the mill will become one of the largest enterprises in the mining industry of the country and an important industrial object for the region.
In the course of the helicopter trip the President RB has also inspected the hydraulic facilities, located in the southern parts of Bashkortostan.
The first deputy Prime-Minister of Government RB, Minister of agriculture RB Shamil Vahitov was accompanying the President of Bashkortostan during this inspection trip.
Author:news-service of President RB
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