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30 April 2010, 19:16

Happy Spring and Labor Holiday!

On the eve of the Spring and Labor Holiday, celebrated on May 1, the President of Republic of Bashkortostan congratulated all citizens of Bashkortostan with this date:
“Dear compatriots!
Let me heartily congratulate you with the light Spring and Labor Holiday – the 1st of May! It is forever concerned for us with the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which 65th anniversary we will celebrate soon together with the whole mankind!
We may say with certainty that creative labor and renewal, inherent in the nature, have become the basis in the strategic course of development for Bashkortostan for the last decades. All our plans and remarkable achievements in economics, social and cultural-spiritual spheres, stable growth of level and quality of life are directly connected with the intense labor of every citizen of Bashkortostan. Our successes are shaped from everyday work of builders, grain-growers, cattle-breeders, teachers, medics, engineers, workers, intellectuals and managers, the collectives of our enterprises, institutions and organizations. Diligence, talent and energy of the multinational population RB determine its stable movement along the way of social progress.
And this year, held under the sign of the Republic Year in Bashkortostan, is not an exception. Every day brings something new and important: new houses, schools, hospitals, health centers, culture palaces, social service institutions, objects of physical culture and sport, roads and bridges, gas networks and telecommunications are erected everywhere. Our towns and villages are becoming better as well as the whole Republic and it is not accidentally that it is often called the pearl of Russian Federation! Being one of the leading regions, Republic of Bashkortostan makes weighty contribution to the all-sided development of the country and to consolidation of its positions in the world.
We have wonderful tradition to honor the people of labor, innovators, production pacemakers, labor families and dynasties – they will further stay in the focus of our attention. Good social partnership and close interaction of the authority, trade-unions and employers are organized in our Republic and we possess all conditions for efficient labor activity, protection of legal rights and interest of our working people, invalids, veterans and youth.
I am sure that uniting our efforts and showing the creative impulse, high activity and responsibility of every citizen RB we will be able to provide for further innovational development and competition of the Republican economics, strengthening of the social sphere and the rise of well-being and quality of life of all our citizens.
I wish you strong health, excellent spirits and every success in all your good deeds! Well-being and happiness to your families!
Happy holiday, dear friends!
The President of Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov” – said in the Presidential message.
Author:news-agency "Bashinform"
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