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29 April 2010, 12:50

Ufa deputies have revised the program of social-economical development of the city

The program of Ufa social-economical development till 2010 was altered by the decision, reached by the deputies of Ufa city council yesterday.
As the deputy head of Ufa administration Alfira Bakieva reported, the necessity of alterations is caused by the after-effects of the crisis first of all.
“This program was worked up in 2005 in the period of the economic upsurge both in our city and the country in a whole” – she said – “But the crisis caused the slump in many branches of our economics. The Republican anti-crisis program had been approved in July 2009 and the program of social-economic development of the city was revised, taking that program into account”.
The forecast indices of Ufa development were changed first of all. Thus, the original variant of the program provided for the increase of the volume of the shipped off goods, produced by Ufa enterprises, up to 245 billion rubles. Now this figure is lowered to 242 billion. The forecasted increase of the public catering volumes up to 12 billion rubles is lowered to 11,4 billion. The originally forecasted level of registered unemployment in the city at the rate of 1,3% has on the contrary grown up to 2,16%.
Besides, some chapters, for example such as “Hotels and restaurants”, are excluded from the program because the city faces certain difficulties with further erection of such objects in the conditions of the crisis.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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