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29 April 2010, 18:17

Turkish students have been told about Achmet-Zaki Validi

The candidate of historical sciences Akhat Salikhov has taken the floor with the report “Achmet-Zaki Validi Togan and his historical heritage” at the Turkish University HAJETEPPE (Ankara). The action was organized by the Institute of Turkology within the frames of Achmet-Zaki Validi Year.
The reporter told about main milestones in the history of Bashkir nation, about scientific and public activity of Achmet-Zaki Validi, his role in the history of Bashkortostan and activity of Bashkir emigrants. At the end of the speech Akhat Salikhov has presented the books about Validi to the University’s library.
Holding of the scientific-practical conference about Bashkortostan is planned in May at the University Ghazi with the assistance of pedagogues and students of the University.
Author:Hasan Dautov
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