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9 April 2010, 17:34

Sheikh Muhammad Hindi suggests the consular office of Egypt should be opened in Ufa

The representative of the International Islamic University “Al-Azkhar”, Sheikh Muhammad Hindi suggested the consular office of Egypt should be opened in Ufa, speaking at the conference of the Bashkir-Arab Friendship Society today.
“The cooperation between our country and Bashkortostan grows up every year” – he said – “And we see the cooperation in sphere of education as one of the most promising directions in our interrelations. Students from Bashkortostan receive good religious education at “Al-Azkhar” and we are interested that as many students from Egypt as possible would study at the secular institutes RB and opening of a consular office of Egypt in Ufa would in many respects contribute to this process. In this case the citizens of Egypt, studying in Ufa, will have the office they may address themselves to. Now our compatriots have to appeal to our Embassy in Moscow in order to solve their problems”.
Sheikh Muhammad has also added Egypt considers Bashkortostan as one of the most reliable partners in the sphere of economical cooperation today. For example, Egypt is interested in the deliveries of oil products from Bashkortostan. “And we are ready to supply your Republic with the products our country is rich with” – Muhammad Hindi said.
Author:Eugene Rakhimkulov
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