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1 April 2010, 14:55

The ceremony of honoring mothers with many kids has taken place in the Republic House

The ceremony of honoring the women, giving birth and educating more than five kids, has taken place in the Republic House today, April 1, in the 84th time. The President RB Murtaza Rakhimov traditionally presented the high awards to the women.
61 mothers were rewarded today. As the President RB said, Republic of Bashkortostan was the first region on the whole post-Soviet space, where this ceremony had been restored in 1998. Since then more than 4700 women have been rewarded with the medals “Motherhood Glory”.
“The Republican authority always pays the highest attention to support of family, motherhood and childhood” – the President RB said at the ceremony – “Every year the Republic appropriates vast sums for support of our families and especially the families with many kids”.
And it comes as no surprise because social sphere was always the priority N1 in social policy of the Republican leadership. The Republican program “Family”, approved not long ago and meant for 2010-2012, has become the evident example of such policy. In 2010 the program’s funding will make more than 20 billion rubles.
Author:Elena Makushina
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